BetaTest of the "ARG-bot"

Please type "hello" as your first response, then take it from there. I will be working to tighten the branches as time goes by, to keep things more on topic. At first, the bot will respond to all sorts of things, but as time goes on, it will keep things more specific.
This interface is just the backend of what will be a (hopefully) very convincing IM window. The plan is to use this as part of an interactive example of what can happen in an ARG.
I won't tell you the goal, but you'll know when you've accomplished it. The solution points to what is now an empty page, but you'll know when you've hit it. These chatlogs will help me train the AI to know how to respond.

That's it, and thanks for your help!
PS-Please keep this URL to yourselves. ;)
